Friday, August 7, 2009

ONElove Baatin!

Titus " Baatin" Glover (March 8, 1974 – July 31, 2009)
Why do the good die young?
"Lady's lovin’ my music is like some sex shit niggas trying to grip up my mic like it's a dick run around the corner to pick up the new shittoss this in the deck so niggas can catch wreckI'm the motherfucker gripping the mic like it's a joke niggas fall in love with the music like its a ho 'Put down your mic you lost your whole goal you take it too seriously like it's a gamble Fuck this rap shit i listen to classical in the studio loop as usual lovin’ my lyrical fuck bitches that you would know I'm out of this cause you wanna be below Yall niggas in love with the S"
- Baatin(fall in love)
Like what Dilla said "Don't fall inlove with the beat!"

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