Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life is so damn precious...

...some people don't realize on what they have. I was in the gym this evening and while I was warming up, I seen this man who I believe in his late 40's riding one of the bikes..I look down and he only has one leg...and had his crutches lay by the wall beside him. This shit made me think of someone I know, Someone I went to Highschool with...someone I gave daps to in the hallways. When I talk about highschool everything was all gravy, no problems in the world, you pretty much go to school to see your friends.
The last time I seen this individual was about a year ago, and was shocked when I seen him sitting in a wheelchair with only one leg...I was damn shooked, and didnt approach him. A little confused on what had happened, and just left.
Weeks, Months pass by...Now if any of you didn't know I'm a pretty religious cat, i hit up church every sunday...and just a few sundays ago...I heard his name saying on how he's sick. In my head " is this the same cat, I know??"
Little did i know, He passed away...I got a message from one of my close friends and told me that he passed.
You will be missed Charles Spooner.

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