Friday, November 27, 2009

Go get it.

"You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period." - Christopher Gardner(The Pursuit of Happiness)

The quote above is something that I go by…Life&Wisdom is my dream. This is something that I planned on doing since I was young; yes its happening, it’s happening real slowly…Slow motion is better than no motion right? Having to put all my ideas in a piece of fabric is something that I LOVE!

The L&W team is special to me, I’m thankful enough that they’re part of my dream.
Errol the Pearlz brings my ideas to life, I lay the blueprint he brings it to life. Mon helps me with all the marketing and financial work without her we’d be dumbed out, so thank you Mon! And Shane is the beast…he gets clientele, small or major in the game…Thank you all. Serious like Cereal!

So if you have that dream that you want to pursue, then go get it! No one else will help you but yourself. Dreams do happen, it just takes time…

All Love,

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