Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let the dollar circulate!!!

Another one...Mr. Billy Paul!! from the hits "Me and Mrs Jones" to "It's too late" and ofcourse "Let the dollar circulate" and the list goes on...This cat is mos def one of the greatest.
While sitting at work today I was listening to Billy Paul, the vocals and the instrumentals are just insane! which makes me wonder...HOW THE HELL DO THESE NEW CATS PRODUCE WHACK MUSIC AND STILL MAKE MONEY?? I don't know!!! am I hating you ask? NOPE! I just don't like the music that are out right now. Check my playlists im Ol' school son! I got my grandparents' playlist on my ipod kid! lol. Go ahead and ask Cass P she knows best! lol Shout out to Cassie OH by the way!
So why am I blogging about this? well let's just say L&W is currently working on a new project...which you guys will have to keep an eye on.
If any of you never ever ever ever heard the songs i mentioned above, you can stick to your radio! ATTACK the WHACK!
And if you do get hooked on this type of REAL MUSIC, you can thank me later.

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